When I think back on the film we made, I'm pleased with it. Making it was the most enjoyable experience I've ever had. It was a lot of fun gathering supplies and equipment for it. For the gruesome scene when the murder occurred, I had to go to Walmart and buy a knife and ketchup. People at the store thought I was insane because a knife and a bottle of ketchup are an unusual combination of items to purchase. I had to explain to those people that it was for a movie, and once they realized the overall picture, they were no longer interested. In the spring, my partner Quincy Esta had a lot going on in his life from Track and Field season to Aice coursework, which took a mental toll on him and continues to do so. We simply needed to pick a date and time that worked for both of us so that we could get this film arranged and completed within the time frame allotted. We had to postpone filming dates due to weather and rehearsals at first, but the good news is that we made it work. We ...