Genre Research: Thriller



Thriller is a genre of literature. Thrillers are dark, engrossing, and suspenseful plot-driven stories. Films that represent this genre usually show scenes in mostly close-up and extreme close-up angles as well as high-angle shots. A few examples of a thriller is the movie "The Guilty" and "Stillwater".  These aspects set the mood for the audience that's watching, which helps build tension so the film is more effective. Thrillers mostly take place in suburbs and cities although there is a possibility they will take place in exotic places. The themes of these films commonly include ransoms, kidnappings, heists, captivities, and revenge because the purpose is mainly to cause tension and anticipation so people will be anxious to watch the movie till the end or watch the next series to see what transpired. The familiar type of lighting that is shown is low-key lighting which is a high-contrast style of lighting used in the film. Props used in thrillers are typically weapons, phones, money, mask (to hide identity), and computers. The common sound effects heard include footsteps, gunshots, banging, whispering, sobbing, and screaming. These diegetic sounds are used to show tension, action, and emotion in the film. The standard editing aspect of a thriller is parallel editing, this shows the audience what two characters are doing (most likely) at the same time, in different locations, as their actions usually affect each other. The elements I love about this genre are the multiple points of view and cliffhangers. The element I dislike about this genre is the world-class nasty villain because they always get me mad. This genre is certainly one of the three choices we're going to choose from and if it is, we will have fun doing it.


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