Movie Research: RUN (2020)
Run is a 2020 American psychologic Horror film directed by Aneesh Chaganty and written by Chaganty and Sev Ohanian. The film stars Kiera Allen as a disabled homeschooled teenager who begins to suspect that her mother (Sarah Paulson) is keeping a dark secret from her. The elements of a horror film that id presented in this is one: The Element of Surprise. The surprise that the villain in this is the actual character's mother is intriguing because you wouldn't expect that to be at most times in stories but, hey that's the purpose of the film. The second element would be A Backstory That's Key to the Monster/Villain's Purpose. This element is crucial because it lets everybody watching the film understand everything better as to why someone acts this way or has powers or what influenced them to be evil. In this case, though, the mother gives birth to her daughter but, her daughter doesn't realize what her mother does behind the scenes until she grows up to find out on her own. The last element would ultimately be A Memorable, But Frightening Menace. The menace in this film is the mother of course and her daughter is trying to find out her mother's true identity in the film/story bring curiously. The elements I love about this film are for one the backstory because it becomes more interesting when u know more about the characters and how they became what they became. The other element I love is the Menace which is indeed the mother. I love the murders and the way she kills people to ultimately get caught in her dirty work. The element that I dislike though, is the element of surprise, and this is because I dislike surprises, they shock my soul and make me feel frightened like an out-of-body experience.
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